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Last Update 2 years ago

Here you can find accurate analytics for the most important metrics of your business. Just choose a period and see:

- Net Profit for this period in USD.

- ROI for this period in %.

- A number of sales for this period.

- Sales Revenue for this period in USD.

- Expenses for this period in USD.

- BuyBox percentage.

Let’s imagine you need to analyze the following period: December 6 - December 16.

The dashboards below indicate the growth of profit and revenue from December 6 to December 16 compared to the previous period (1st and 2nd graph).

In the 3rd graph, you can see the changes in the cost of goods during this period.

The 4th graph shows a daily quantity of orders during this period compared to the previous one.

The 5th and 6th graphs provide information about changes in the number of refunds and the amount of money you spend on them from December 6 to December 16 compared to the previous period.

In case of any questions contact our customer support in chat, in Telegram, or in WhatsApp.

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